1820C. Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. London: G. Stevens, c1820. Series: Juvenile Books by G. Stevens. OCLC 1151627069. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
12 unnumbered leaves including cover, printed one side only.
Text and images engraved, no color.
128 x 84 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one image per page; 1v is an exception.
Text begins (1v): “Dame Trot and her cat, | Sat down for to chat, | The Dame sat on this side, | And she sat on that.”
BINDING: Buff paper wrappers, glued to first and last leaves. Text and images engraved.
COVER NOTES: Edition statement on front wrapper “Printed and Published by G. Stevens, 10, Borough Road, Southwark: And Sold by all Booksellers, Stationers, and Toymen, in Town and Country.” List of other juvenile books from the publisher on the rear wrapper “At 6d, each Plain; or superbly Coloured 1s.”
PRICE: Sixpence (front wrapper).
DATE RANGE: Undated; estimated date range based on other titles from the publisher and examination of materials.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1820F. Dame Trot and Her Cat. Glasgow: A. Paterson, 3, King-Street, between 1820 and 1825. OCLC 63105448. Full text available on the Internet Archive (copy 1) (copy 2). BMC copy on Tripod.
Copy 1
8 partially numbered leaves.
Pages 4-15 numbered.
Letterpress; wood engravings, no color.
104 x 64 mm.
Two verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 1v is an exception.
Text begins (1v): “Here little Girls and Boys may see | Dame Trot and Pussey drinking tea.”
BINDING: Blue paper wrappers.
EXTERIOR TITLE: The History of Dame Trot and Her Cat.
PRICE: One penny (front wrapper).
TEXT NOTES: The “English alphabet” in lower case and the ten numerals appear on 1r; the alphabet in upper case and the vowels are on 8v. Text and illustrations very similar to those appearing in Dame Trot and her cat, published in Ross’s juvenile library by G. Ross, ca. 1814-1817.
DATE RANGE: Undated; date range from publisher’s address, see Scottish Book Trade Index, National Library of Scotland.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Osborne catalogue, II: 678. Cotsen Children’s Library 1618. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.
Copy 2

8 partially numbered leaves.
Pages 4-15 numbered.
Letterpress; wood engravings, some lightly hand-colored, likely by former owner.
104 x 64 mm. Folios 2 and 3 are narrow; folio 2 is 104 x 59 mm and folio 3 is 104 x 61 mm respectively.
Two verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 1v is an exception.
Text begins (1v): “Here little Girls and Boys may see | Dame Trot and Pussey drinking tea.”
BINDING: Brown paper wrappers. Letterpress; wood engravings.
EXTERIOR TITLE: The History of Dame Trot and Her Cat.
COVER NOTES: Imprint of Durham: George Ewbank on title page, and A. Paterson on front and back wrappers.
PRICE: One penny (front wrapper).
TEXT NOTES: The “English alphabet” in lower case and the ten numerals appear on 1r; the alphabet in upper case and the vowels are on 8v. Text and illustrations very similar to those appearing in Dame Trot and her cat, published in Ross’s juvenile library by G. Ross, ca. 1814-1817.
DATE RANGE: Undated; date range from publisher’s address, see Scottish Book Trade Index, National Library of Scotland.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Osborne catalogue, II: 678. Cotsen Children’s Library 1618. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1820J. Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. York: J. Kendrew, Colliergate, [between 1820 and 1829?]. OCLC 16899096. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
8 numbered leaves including cover.
Pages numbered 2-16.
Letterpress; wood engravings, no color.
96 x 66 mm.
One verse (four lines or seven lines each) and one to two images per page.
Text begins (1r): “Old Dame Trot, | Went to the fair, | With her Cat on her shoulder, | To see the folks there.”
BINDING: White paper self-wrappers. Letterpress; wood engravings, no color.
IMAGE NOTES: Illustration of a rose on page 3 has no apparent relevancy to the text. Final illustration on page 16 has no relation to the text but appears to be a mark of the printer with the words “KENDREW,” “Crinber,” and “YORK”. Most other illustrations represent two primary topics of the verse, for example, an image of fruit, sugar, and a jar at the top; the cat playing a fiddle at the bottom, of p. 9: “She went to buy apples,/ And sugar and spice,/ When she came back/ Puss was fiddling to mice.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Indexed in Davis, R. Kendrew of York, 46. Cf. Gumuchian, 1577. Cotsen Children’s Library 1624. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.