
Thanks to:
Isabel Gellert (BMC 2018?), who worked early on describing the collection and scanning the books
Juliet Smith (BMC 2022), who did the first design of the website, scanned, organized, and got the project up and running
Julia Smith (BMC 2024), who wrangled images
Jasper Nash (BMC 2023), who uploaded hundreds of images to the site and described them, and who worked on the bibliographic descriptions.
Mallory Fitzpatrick, PhD candidate, who organized, edited, and extended the bibliographic descriptions.
Amy Graham, who cataloged most of the works in the collection
Marianne Hansen, to whom must be attributed any remaining credit or blame

and, of course, to Ellery Yale Wood (BMC 1952) whose incredible bequest of roughly 20,000 books – for children or about cats – to the College formed the nucleus of our collection of books for young readers.

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