1806A. A Continuation of the Adventures of Old Dame Trot, and Her Comical Cat. London: J. Harris Juvenile Library, corner of St. Pauls Church Yard, and C. Knight, Windsor, 1806. OCLC 270107505. Full text available on the Internet Archive (copy 1) (copy 2). BMC copy on Tripod.
Copy 1
16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only. Lacking one leaf (folio 12).
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, hand-colored.
125 x 95 mm.
One to two verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 1v (frontispiece), 15v, and 16r are exceptions.
Text begins (1v): “Here ev’ry little Girl and Boy may see | Dame Trot and her fav’rite Puss, a-drinking tea.”
BINDING: Unbound, lacking original wrappers and cover.
COVER NOTES: Book list on lower wrapper. Printer’s mark for H. Bryer, Bridge-street, Black-friars on upper wrapper.
PRICE: 18 pence coloured and 1 shilling plain (rear wrapper).
TEXT NOTES: A publisher’s note after the title page says the book is part of the “Hubbardian Collection.” BMC c1 has handwritten verses on the last two leaves, which are blank in c2, other than illustrations captioned “ARRIVAL AT HOME” and “CHASTISEMENT.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Moon, M. Harris, 181. Cotsen Children’s Library 1615. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: Leaves 2-3 (title page) stitched across the bottom half in white thread. Handwritten note on recto 3 reading “Richard Charles & Isab[a][loss] la Hoare Giving [sic] them by ther [sic] Governess Miss Pagel 1816.” Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.
Copy 2

16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only.
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, no color.
118 x 93 mm.
One to two verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 1v (frontispiece), 15v, and 16r are exceptions.
Text begins (1v): “Here ev’ry little Girl and Boy may see | Dame Trot and her fav’rite Puss, a-drinking tea.”
BINDING: Marbled paper boards with quarter red sheep spine and vellum tips, bound with Darton’s 1807 The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. Gilt lettering on spine; no illustrations.
COVER NOTES: Book list on lower wrapper. Printer’s mark for H. Bryer, Bridge-street, Black-friars on upper wrapper.
PRICE: 18 pence coloured and 1 shilling plain (rear wrapper).
TEXT NOTES: A publisher’s note after the title page says the book is part of the “Hubbardian Collection.” Cropped pages occasionally damage the text, however it is still available through Copy 1.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Moon, M. Harris, 181. Cotsen Children’s Library 1615. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1806C. Continuation of the Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. London: Darton, [1806 or 1807]. OCoLC 270107784. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 numbered leaves, printed one side only.
Pages numbered 1-16.
Text and images engraved, no color.
120 x 96 mm.
One verse (four lines per verse) and one image per page; 16r is an exception.
Text begins (2v): “When DAME TROT had dress’d | Her Cat very fine, | She called in her Neighbours | Just with her to dine.”
BINDING: Marbled paper boards with quarter grey spine, pasted-on title printed on white paper. Letterpress; no illustrations.
TEXT NOTES: False title page with A Continuation of the Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat Illustrated with Elegant Engravings and date and address incorrectly identifying it as an 1806 Harris edition. “Appropriate nouns such as sociability, amusement, utility, and resentment, are at the foot of fifteen leaves”–Osborne, cited below. Like earlier printings, lacks the theme word Feasting on leaf 10.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Cf. Osborne Coll., p. 677-678. Darton H 321.
BMC COPY: Paper bookplate of Joan Feisenberger on the inside front cover. Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1806D. A Continuation of the Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat Illustrated with Elegant Engravings. London: W. & T. Darton, 40, Holborn Hill, [ca. 1806 or 1807]. OCLC 270107784. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 numbered leaves, printed one side only.
Pages numbered to 16.
Text and images engraved, hand-colored.
119 x 95 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one image per page.
Text begins (1v): “When DAME TROT had dress’d | Her Cat very fine, | She called in her Neighbours, | Just with her to dine.”
BINDING: Marbled paper boards, rebound in quarter sheep gilt with vellum tips. Gilt tooled title on spine; no illustrations. BMC copy lacks wrappers, which contain title and imprint.
COVER NOTES: Booklist in rear wrapper.
PRICE: 1s plain or 1s 6d colored (front wrapper).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Necker 534? Osborne Coll. II,677 – “Appropriate nouns such as sociability, amusement, utility, and resentment, are at the foot of fifteen leaves.” Williams, Humour, 163 – In her doctoral thesis, Karen Williams dates this as 1807 cf. Humour in children’s literature, 1800-1840, page 163. Darton H 321.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. London: William Darton, 1807. OCoLC 15214599. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only.
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, no color.
118 x 93 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one image per page; 2r and 3v are exceptions.
Text begins (1v): “Old DAME TROT | Going to the Fair, | With her Cat on her shoulder, | To see the Folks there.”
BINDING: Marbled paper boards with quarter red sheep spine and vellum tips, bound with Harris’ 1807 A Continuation of the Adventures of Old Dame Trot, and Her Comical Cat. Gilt lettering on spine; no illustrations.
TEXT NOTES: The Darton is very rare, a second issue identified by the corrected word ‘court’sy’d’ from ‘curtis’d’ in the verse on the last leaf.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Necker. Darton H 320.
BMC COPY: Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1807A. The First Part of Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. A New and Improved Edition. Illustrated with Elegant Copper-Plate Engravings. London: J. Harris, corner of St. Paul’s Church Yard (Original Juvenile Library, the Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard), 1807. OCLC. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only.
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, hand-colored.
129 x 97 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one image per page.
Interior title: Dame Trot, and Her Cat.
Text begins (1v): “Here you behold Dame Trot, and here | Her comic Cat you see; | Each seated in an elbow chair | As snug as they can be.”
BINDING: Blue paper wrappers. Letterpress with printed border; no illustrations.
PRICE: Eighteen-pence coloured and One Shilling plain (front wrapper).
ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisement for numerous other publications of Harris on the rear wrapper including “The Talking Bird,” “The Courtship, Marriage, and PicNic Dinner, of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren,” “Pug’s Visit, or the Disaster of Mr. Punch,” “A Continuation of the Adventures of Dame Trot and her Comical Cat,” “The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog,” “The Disastrous Journey of Johnny Gilpin to Edmonton,” “Whimsical Incidents, or the Power of Music,” and “Original Ditties for the Nursery.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Necker. Moon. Harris 183.
BMC COPY: “Ann Leyton 1837” ink inscription on the inside of the rear wrapper. Ink inscription on front wrapper, possibly “1/6,” but difficult to make out.

1808. The Adventures of Grimalkin, the Eldest Son of Dame Trot’s Cat. London: Tabart and Co. (Edmund Hernsted at the Juvenile and School Library, New Bond-Street), 1808. OCLC 13735256. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
8 partially numbered leaves. 9 additional unnumbered leaves of plate illustrations, printed one side only. Flyleaf not included.
Pages numbered 4-15.
Engraved text and illustrations, hand-colored.
117 x 102 mm.
Three verses (two lines each) or one image per page; 2r is an exception.
Text begins (2r): “You have read of Dame Trot, | Of her Cat and her Kit, | Of their feats of activity, cunning, and wit.”
BINDING: Rebound in quarter red sheep, marbled paper boards with vellum tips. Gilt tooled title on spine, no illustration.
IMAGE NOTES: Some plates dated April, 1808.
TEXT NOTES: 2r, 3r, and 4r are printed with not only page numbers but also folio numbers A3, A3, and A4.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Necker 535. Gumuchian 250.
BMC COPY: Bryn Mawr Special Collections copy lacks wrappers and frontispiece (which has a guardsheet). Missing upper corner of pages 9-10. Pencil inscription on front flyleaf “£1,200.” Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1810A. Continuation of the Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. Part II. Illustrated with Sixteen Copper-Plates. London: W. T Darton. [ca. 1810?]. OCLC 270107784. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only.
Pages numbered to 16.
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, hand-colored.
125 x 104 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one image per page.
Text begins (1v): “When DAME TROT had dress’d, | Her Cat very fine, | She called in her Neighbours, | Just with her to dine.”
BINDING: Red paper wrappers. Pasted-on label containing letterpress printed title and price within decorated border.
PRICE: 6d plain or 1s colored (front wrapper).
TEXT NOTES: “Appropriate nouns such as sociability, amusement, utility, and resentment, are at the foot of fifteen leaves” –Osborne, cited below. Like earlier printings, lacks the theme word “Feasting” on leaf 10.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Cf. Osborne Coll., p. 677-678. Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: Pencil inscription records a price of €475. Beneath it another pencil inscription reads “Oppenheimer 514-515.” Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1810B. The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. Illustrated with Sixteen Copper-plates. Part I. London: William Darton, [ca. 1810?]. OCLC 504600893. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 unnumbered leaves, printed one side only.
Letterpress; engraved illustrations, no color.
125 x 102 mm.
One to two verses (may be two, four, or five lines each) and one image per page.
Interior title: Old Dame Trot, and Her Comical Cat.
Text begins (1v): “Old DAME TROT, | Going to the Fair, | With her Cat on her shoulder, | To see the Folks there.”
BINDING: Red paper wrappers, publisher imprint on white paper glued to outside of front wrapper. Letterpress with printed border; no illustrations.
COVER NOTES: Upper corner of the front wrapper has been torn off and replaced. Lower corner of the back wrapper also has some damage. Cover matches description for Continuation in Darton H 321.
PRICE: 6d. Plain; or 1s. Coloured (front wrapper).
DATE RANGE: Undated; dating from 1820 watermark.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Necker. Darton H 320.
BMC COPY: Paper bookplate of Joan Feisenberger on the inside front cover. Ink inscription on page 1 reading “Eleanor February 1822 Tyndale Place Islington London.” Upper corner of the first leaf has been torn away and replaced with a scrap of paper from a different publication. Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1811. Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. London: Printed and Sold by T. Evans, 79 Long-Lane, 1811. OCLC 972350274. Full text available on the Internet Archive (copy 1 ) (copy 2). BMC copy on Tripod.
Copy 1
8 partially numbered leaves including cover.
Pages numbered 3-15; p.2 (1v) has a smudge where the page number would be located, but it’s difficult to make out whether this is the number.
Letterpress; woodcut illustrations, no color.
89 x 62 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one to two images per page; 1v and 2r are exceptions.
Text begins (1r): “Old Dame Trot | Going to the Fair, | With her Cat on her shoulder, | To see the Folks there.”
BINDING: White paper self-wrappers. Letterpress; woodcut illustrations.
TEXT NOTES: An odd misprint(?) on page 15 has a sideways letter “h” and perhaps a missing letter.
DATE RANGE: Dated to 1811 by printer’s note on the title page reading “Printed and Sold by T. Evans 79, Long-Lane. 1811.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Necker 533.05.
Copy 2
8 partially numbered leaves.
Pages numbered to 15, but several pages numbers (1, 3, 11) have been cut off or are missing; p.2 (1v) has a smudge where the page number would be located, but it’s difficult to make out whether this is the number.
Letterpress; woodcut illustrations, no color.|
85 x 59 mm.
One verse (four lines each) and one to two images per page; 1v and 2r are exceptions.
Text begins (1r): “Old Dame Trot | Going to the Fair, | With her Cat on her shoulder, | To see the Folks there.”
BINDING: Red paper boards, spine half-bound in black morocco, top edge of pages only gilt. Gold tooled title and vegetal symbol on spine; no illustrations.
EXTERIOR TITLE: Old Fairy Tales.
TEXT NOTES: An odd misprint(?) on page 15 has a sideways letter “h” and perhaps a missing letter. About 15 chapbooks bound together, most but not all published by T. or J. Evans.
DATE RANGE: Dated to 1811 by printer’s note on the title page reading “Printed and Sold by T. Evans 79, Long-Lane. 1811.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Necker 533.05.
BMC COPY: ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1814B. Dame Trot and Her Cat. Edinburgh: G. Ross, [between 1814-1817?]. Series: Ross’s Juvenile Library. OCLC 863351586. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
8 partially numbered leaves.
Pages 4-16 numbered 6-18. Pages 16 and 17 (7v and 8r) printed in reverse order.
Letterpress; wood engravings, no color.
113 x 63 mm.
One to two verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 7v and 8v (printed as pages 17 and 18) are exceptions.
Text begins (1r): “Here ev’ry little girl and boy may see | Dame Trot and fav’rite Puss, a-drinking tea”
BINDING: Blue paper wrappers. Letterpress; wood engraving with printer’s borders.
COVER NOTES: Front wrapper printed with the price, series, and publisher’s imprint.
PRICE: One Penny (front wrapper). Rear wrapper illustration (a woman carrying a sack over her shoulder) probably reused from a different publication.
DATE RANGE: Undated; date range based on other titles in series.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Necker 533.07.
BMC COPY: Retains unattached bookplate “Crewe Hall Library: Juvenile books: Box 7” (number supplied in manuscript). Ex coll Ellery Yale Wood.

1818. The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. London: William Darton, [ca. 1818]. OCLC. Full text available on the Internet Archive. BMC copy on Tripod.
16 numbered leaves, printed one side only.
Pages numbered to 16.
Letterpress; wood engravings, no color.
116 x 98 mm.
One verses (four lines each) and one image per page; 16r is an exception.
Text begins (1v): “When DAME TROT had dress’d | Her Cat very fine, | She called in her Neighbours, | Just with her to dine.”
BINDING: White paper wrappers. Letterpress; no illustrations.
COVER NOTES: Some bits of text filled in by hand. Place of printing and price listed on the cover. Paper wrappers covered by a wax paper wrapping.
PRICE: 4d PLAIN or Coloured 1/6 (front wrapper)
TEXT NOTES: Each verse and image has a one-word caption, except for p.10, possibly due to uneven page trimming.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Necker.
BMC COPY: Ink signature of “Elizabeth Asplosi(?)” on the inside front cover.